[How this article was created,
A friend of mine posted a comment on my article called “Three Days”. That article was meant to focus about Today and forget completely about Yesterday and Tomorrow. She did not agree for the whole article but she agreed about the idea of changing new life by doing the best we can for today.
As far as I understand, she explained that yesterday defines who we are based on what we did yesterday, and we have to learn from our experiences from the past days. And also that not to forget that whatever we do may affect the future. Thus, we cannot forget completely about “Yesterday and Tomorrow”.
While looking at her comments I looked at it from a different angle, and I thought about elaborating her comment into an inspiration, thus, I named my new article “Today Will be a History for Tomorrow”.
This article will relate my article “Three Days” of how important is today and her comment which was stated above, shows how important of yesterday and tomorrow.]
I am pretty sure each one of us has bad and good memories whether with your families, friends, colleagues or strangers. Some of us may keep some pictures to remind ourselves of the good times because you know that you will forget them once you grow up. If you think you can remember all what you have done before, try to tell me what you have done 10 years back.
Similarly today, after ten years you will not be able to realize what you have done today. “May Allah give you long life”
Keep this in your mind; now let us talk about something else.
Pick someone you admire; ask yourself, why did you pick him? Is it because of his action, attitude or speech? Do you sometimes try to follow or imitate him? Now try to think anything bad about him, can you do that? Most us would say it’s hard we cannot, but if you ask someone else, they may find one.
Now try to pick a friend of yours that you like or admire him or her “but not your girlfriend or boyfriend” if possible pick someone that you didn’t meet for 5 years.
Once you pick, I am sure there is something about this person, you may say one or many things.
Now, can you find bad things about him? I am sure you can, and there are big possibilities you fought with him or dislike him before, but here is the question, Why do you still like him?
You may say it’s because of the things he has done for you before.
The other way around also, even though if you did lot of bad things but because of today, people may admire you, and try to be like you whether today or tomorrow or after ten years and may forget what you have done before.
One more thing before I conclude,
Do you sometimes say: my friend or that person you admire, when you face problems or difficulties, that person did this and that when he faced similar problem so let us follow him or he said this and that let us take his advices.
This means he has become your reference for sometimes, thus, would you be happy if others refer to you?
If yes, so here we go:Today is the best chance for you to start the changes that you wanted in your life. Otherwise, stick to your normal daily life as you repeating the same regrets.
I conclude by:
There is always a chance for change,
“If you still have regrets, keep repeating this word today will be a history for tomorrow so try to do your best so that people or yourself would say “I am proud of myself, I did a good thing yesterday” or “[your name] did that yesterday let us follow him,, so that you will have no more regrets”
“If you have fears for tomorrow, Keep repeating this word Tomorrow depends on today, whatever happen today will affect tomorrow”
Enjoy your life and have a nice day ;)
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