
Monday, June 14, 2010

Three days

 Life consists of three days: yesterday, today and tomorrow

All of them are the same, the only thing that keeps changing is the time.


So what do I mean by three days?

First day: yesterday

You cannot change anything that happened yesterday

You cannot drag back whatever happened yesterday

You cannot erase whatever happened yesterday

You cannot repeat the happiness that you felt yesterday

So, let it go and forget about it.

Second day: tomorrow

Till the sun rise tomorrow

You do not know what will happen

You cannot do anything tomorrow

You will not be able to know whether you will be happy or sad tomorrow

Tomorrow has not come yet, so let it go.

The last one: Today

The entrance for yesterday has closed

The entrance for tomorrow still not opened yet

Focus only for today

You have the ability to do everything today

Forgive what happened yesterday

And release the fear for tomorrow
Live your life because yesterday and tomorrow are just mysterious games that will give you a headache!

live with whatever you have, because the only thing you have is today

Remember: respect others because of who you are, not because of who they are.

Therefore, do not let yesterday give you regrets or tomorrow leaving
Do the best you can TODAY AND DO IT NOW.


  1. Very nice article.

    But we must not ignore yesterday and tomorrow completely.

    Whatever we did and went through 'yesterday' defines who we are. We learn a lot from yesterday.

    As for tomorrow, we need to remind ourselves that "each and every action echoes into the future". Consequences of what we do today may affect our tomorrow considerably.

    So, use yesterday as your tool to live today in a way that you have a better tomorrow :)

  2. very true ruzayna...!!

    i am speachless now, hehehe

    okay then, i will relate your comment to my new up coming article titled by "today will be a history for tomorrow" or something like that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
