
Saturday, June 5, 2010

“WHO ARE YOU??” vs “WHO AM I???”

I have asked myself this two questions, I have three different way of approaches “with inspirations” to answer them, which are [history, my parents and me myself] , and I have chosen the most common one which is [me myself] that we always get involve with it in our daily life. The other one also involves our daily life but some people they do not have parents, lake of care or any other reasons [this is understandable], but if you want me to create short video like this or write note for the other two approaches that I had mentioned above,  let me know  I will be happy to do it 

Hope fully, at the end of this short video till my conclusion, you would realize my message.
the video is here


  1. nice video.
    I will treat you nice not cuz of u, but cuz who am i. i like that...

  2. the video idea is amazing! keep it up!
